How to Implement a Static Member Interface in Java

In this example we will show how tocreate the static member Operation interface in MemberInterfaceClass and implement the interface in TestClass, as shown below.

Source Code

1 MemberInterfaceClass)

package com.beginner.examples;

public class MemberInterfaceClass {

	public static interface Operation{
		void sum(int a,int b);
		void sub(int a,int b);

2 TestClass)

package com.beginner.examples;

public class TestClass implements MemberInterfaceClass.Operation {

	public void sum(int a, int b) {

		System.out.println(a + " + " + b + " = " + (a + b));


	public void sub(int a, int b) {

		System.out.println(a + " - " + b + " = " + (a - b));

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		TestClass t = new TestClass();

		t.sum(20, 21);
		t.sub(22, 20);




20 + 21 = 41
22 - 20 = 2
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